Sunday, August 31, 2008

In Brief

I hope to see the Clone Wars later this week. A review should be forthcoming after that. Sorry about the non-writing; I have been working on the newspaper a heck of a lot.

I saw Hancock a few weeks ago. I don't feel like reviewing it, but a link that describes my thoughts (only funnier) almost to a "t" can be found here. BEWARE: Don't go there if you mind swearing, and if you don't want to find out what happens on season three of "Arrested Development," don't read what Jason Bateman says immediately after Will Smith asks him how he and Charlize Theron met.

Two other quick music notes. One is that I am getting more and more excited for the new Brave Saint Saturn album. The band has had two (very good) demos posted for a long time, but now, after several delays, IT'S ALMOST HERE.

Also, Ben Folds is releasing his latest album, "Way to Normal," at the end of September. Check out his Myspace to hear three new songs ("You Don't Know Me," "Hiroshima," Cologne") and two songs that he recorded to be silly and dumb on purpose just to mess with his fans ("Way to Normal" and the hilarious [but profanity laced] "B---- Went Nutz"). Again, BEWARE: Ben does swear on many of his songs. If you don't want to hear that, still go to the page and watch the video for Cologne. There is no profanity and the song is amazing.

Lastly, I am starting a new blog called Beauty/Conundrum. I don't know how often I'll be updating it, as I barely have time for this blog right now, but I wanted to start it because it portrays a more serious side of me, the side that talks about ideas and thoughts and feelings rather than movies, books and music. You can navigate to it on the sidebar of this blog. I won't be uploading it to Facebook (though it will be linked to under My Websites), so if you want to read it, you'll have to go to the actual blog. I posted something there today. I hope you like it.

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